Living in Colorado means we’re used to a dry climate. Even when
we get rainy days like we’ve had the past couple of weeks, the hot
Colorado sun will soon be upon us. Use these 10 tips =to help you save
water around your home – and become a little greener in the process.
1. Adjust your sprinklers so they water your landscaping only and not your
house, driveway, sidewalk or street. .
2. When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run for rinsing.
Fill up the sink with clean rinse water.
3. Install covers over your swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs. Check for
leaks around your pumps.
4. Monitor your water bill for unusually high charges. A high charge may
be an indication of a leak somewhere in your water lines.
5. Monitor inside and outside faucets, hoses and sprinklers for damage
and leaks. Outdoor leaks may be harder to spot, but can be just as costly
over the course of the summer.
6. Install a rain sensor on your irrigation controller, and water only
when necessary. Lawns and landscaping can only hold so much water; the
rest will run off into the street.
7. Use your washing machine only when you have a full load of laundry.
Or match the water level in your washing machine to the correct level
of clothes.
8. Make water conservation a family issue. Teach kids how to conserve by
turning off faucets tightly after each use, and watching for leaks in
their bathrooms.
9. Change out your landscaping to be more drought tolerant. Choose a turf
blend that is more acceptable to Colorado’s normally dry summers.
And choose xeriscape plants and bushes that don’t require as much
water to survive.
10. Install a hot water circulation system to have instant hot water within
your home. Even in the summer, its nice to take a warm shower or have
hot water to wash dishes. This will save hundreds of gallons per year
by not requiring warm up time before use.
Want even more tips? Quality First Service Groupis the first
Green certified plumbing company in Colorado. We’ll gladly educate
you on conservation and preservation methods you can use within your home.
Give us a call today.