Is It Time To Get A New Air Conditioner?

It’s springtime. And as the days grow longer, and the weather turns nicer, one of the first changes you’ll make to get ready for the new season is to flip off the furnace and turn on your air conditioner for the first time.

Will it be ready for you when you need it most?

In most cases, an air conditioner will last you 15 to 20 years. Of course, a lot goes into determining how long it will last. It depends on things like:

What brand do you have installed?

How well do you maintain the equipment?Is It Time To Get A New Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner won’t last forever. And the last thing you want to happen is for it not to turn on when it’s the hottest day of the year.

How do you know when it’s time to replace your air conditioner?

When Your AC Unit Is Old

While a technician will not recommend replacing a still-working AC unit, they may chat with you about efficiency. If your unit was built before 2008, it means it might be costing you money just to keep it running. A newer unit will use less energy to create a consistent stream of air that helps keep you cool when you need it most.

When Your House’s Temperature Is Difficult To Maintain

Have you noticed it’s getting more difficult to keep your home comfortable as the weather changes throughout the day? Do you have cold or warm spots throughout your home? It might be a sign that your air conditioner is no longer able to keep up with demand.

When Your Repair Bills Keep Rising

Have you had to call in a technician again and again to keep your air conditioner operating? While you should have your air conditioner inspected once a year, if you have to call a technician back more than once, it’s an indication you might be in need of a new unit.

When You Notice Your Energy Bills Increasing

Have you noticed your utility bills are creeping up, even when the weather hasn’t? It could be a sign of an air conditioner that no longer is operating at peak performance. If your unit is struggling to keep up with demand, it will do all it can to compensate for the difference. And you’ll notice it in the form of higher bills.

Not quite sure if your air conditioner is working well or not? We can help.

Get a jump on this years summer season. Let us inspect your air conditioner, tune it and get it ready for the coming season. And we can even help you determine if now is the right time to replace your AC unit, before the summer turns up the heat.

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