How Well Do You Know Your HVAC System?

Do you understand how your HVAC system works? Surprisingly, many homeowners don’t.

By learning more about your system, you can take tiny steps that will help save you money every year, and will give your HVAC system the longest life possible.

How often should you replace the air filter?How Well Do You Know Your HVAC System?

If you said every one to three months, you’re correct. Think of this as a seasonal project. It’s good to give your furnace and air conditioner a clean air supply as the seasons change. In a busy household, or a house with kids and pets, one a month is a good idea. If you have asthma or allergies, once a month should be your goal as well.

What is the best temperature to keep your home at during the summer months?

It may surprise you that it’s a little warmer than you anticipate. The US Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat at 78 degrees to maximize your energy savings throughout the warmest months of the year.

Should you leave your air conditioner on all day long, or turn the system off?

Many people leave their air conditioner on all day, assuming it’s more efficient to keep the temperature at one setting than it is to bring a home to temperature when you get home. It’s simply not true. It’s always more efficient to turn the system off when not in use, and bring it to temperature when you need it. That’s where programmable thermostats work well, and if you invest in smart technology, you can control your system from anywhere, ensuring your home is comfortable right before you pull into the driveway.

Can you save energy by turning your thermostat back a few degrees while you’re working or sleeping?

By adjusting the temperature 5 to 10 degrees during the day while you’re working, and again at night while you’re sleeping, you can save as much as 10 percent on your energy bills. Of course, it helps to increase your efficiencies in other ways too, like installing an energy efficient furnace, or ensuring your ductwork is properly sealed. Think of this as ongoing maintenance rather than a one time fix.

Should I get the biggest, most efficient air conditioner or furnace on the market?

Nope. HVAC equipment needs to be properly sized to give you maximum benefits. If you invest in equipment too large or too powerful, it wastes money and energy. The best approach is to ensure the equipment meets all specifications for your home to give you maximum efficiency all year long.

What additional questions do you have about your HVAC system?

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